Saturday, June 8, 2013

Good Lorde She is Talented!

Hello everyone out there! Sorry I have been MIA these past few weeks but my life has been a little crazy awesome. I visited Chicago for the first time in the middle of May and that trip was absolutely amazing! My boyfriend and I went and did almost everything a tourist could do in the city. It’s safe to say we both fell in love with the place and cannot wait to go back. Also I move tomorrow back to downtown in the Big D with my new roommate!
                So back to the music. This week I wanted to talk about a truly talented 16 year old girl from New Zealand. She calls herself Lorde but her real name is Ella Yelich-O'Connor, which is a pretty sweet name if you ask me. I simply can’t believe this girl is only 16 and this much talent and heart goes into her singing and songwriting. I hope she doesn’t start getting too big for her britches, like some Canadian D-bag we all know (who wears a leather shirt to a basketball game anyway??), because her single “Royals” hit number 1 on the New Zealand charts for about as long as Adele was #1 on Billboard. Yea, she is legit and so is her music. Her LP called The Love Club has 5 delightful songs that quench every musical thirst a person could potentially have. The songs go from slow and sultry to downright dance-y and each one showcases her extreme songwriting talent. Her voice is the other piece of this that just throws me each time I listen to her. It’s soulful and mature but has a hint of adolescence that I haven’t heard before. I call her a blend of Regina Spektor and Santigold.
                And now for my song recommendations:
First and foremost you have to check out her hit single “Royals”. It’s infectious and I love it. And you can be all hipster when the song finally comes to the US and everyone else is just now hearing her.

The next song is the most fun (next to Royals of course) song on the LP. It’s called “Million Dollar Bills” and it has a funky hip hop beat and is so much fun to dance to. I couldn't find a video of this one on YouTube so just check it out :)

Last is the namesake for the LP “The Love Club”. I love this song because it reminds me that a young, ambitious, and optimistic girl sings these songs. It has such a simple rhythm and theme of just simply wanting to belong to something that matters.

Hope you enjoyed Lorde and if you did please buy her LP The Love Club on iTunes! I think it’s like $6 or something… come on you spend that on a coffee these days.

Goes well with: Santigold, Regina Spektor, and Tegan and Sara

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Till Later - Rachel