Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Electric One Man Band - Robert DeLong

It's seems like every guy with a computer and an iTunes account thinks he can make dope mash ups and make us all want to shake our asses to his phat beats. Now I don't want to discredit the whole "guy with a computer" genre because some of them do have incredible talent. Girl Talk to name one of them. However, in this post I would like to talk about, and hopefully introduce you to, one of my new favorite "guy with a computer" who just so happens to be a one man band. Robert DeLong.

I recently went to a concert in Dallas with Two Door Cinema Club as the headliner (check them out if you haven't) and the opener was Mr. Robert DeLong. His sound is a light-dubstep mixed with percussion and keyboard nuances. Oh and he sings. This kid does everything during his show. Runs his computer, plays the drums, plays keyboard, and sings. Just him. It's brave, impressive, and it makes you truly want to shake what your mama gave you.

Here is a run through of his album Just Movement. I don't want to go through the whole thing but I'd like to highlight my favorites.

Global Concepts
This is his most known song. It starts with a lyric focus and this guy can write. His lyrics are witty and the beats behind them just drive the song to it's big climax at the chorus. The beat drops in the best way and you cant help but feel it in your bones.

A sweet and simple song that will stick with you. Not quite the dance tune like some of the other tracks but still one of my top 3. The female duet portions are soft but don't get lost in the mix.

The most fun song on the album. I dare you not to at least bob your head or at least move in some fashion. The flow of the lyrics blend seamlessly with the awesome beat that just makes you want to move.

If anything on this post tickled your dancing fancy I would highly recommend checking this album out.

BTW here is a picture of me and Robert after his show. Pretty awesome huh?

Goes well with: Two Door Cinema Club and Capital Cities

Till Later


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